Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Government transparency grades out

I thought this was kind of interesting. I'm not going into a lot of detail, but you can follow the links.

The Sunshine Review, which says it's a national non-profit dedicated to state and local government transparency, just released it's “2013 Transparency Report Card” that graded every state and the largest counties, cities and school district within each state.

Anyhoo, Tennessee is ranked 24 and received a “B” overall. Find the report card right smack here.

Knox County got an “A-” which you can check out here.

Knoxville got a “B.”

And the county's school district got a“C-”, which is actually surprising considering taxpayer spend about $1 million on the system's PR/spin team. Heh.

Gee, go figure. The least expensive communications department ends up getting the best grade.

On a side note, California ranked No. 1 and Nebraska ranked No. 50.

UPDATE: School system spin department says it really received a "B-" and not a "C-". Melissa Ogden supplied a link with pretty much zero detail. You can find it right smack here. Eh, you decide. I'm moving on. I got a funny story to tell about the city's communication-less department that I need to get to.


  1. ...soooo, did you forget the funny story about the city's non-communication department, or...?
