Monday, November 11, 2013

Shepherd to seek school board gig

Well, looks like Knox County school system rubble rouser Tamara Shepherd has announced her intentions to run for Board of Education 6th District seat.

The spot is currently held by Thomas Deakins, a former board chairman who has said in the past that he will not run again.

Shepherd announced made the announcement over at Randy’s place. You can find it right smack here. (Damn hippie.)

I think I’ve met Tamara. I know I’ve talked to her on the phone. I know I don’t always agree with her, and I think in her research she goes down the wrong rabbit holes, albeit, always with the right intentions.

That said, she does actually research the issues, she cares about local education and she will NOT be a yes-woman for Lord McIntyre, school superintendent.

She is going to ask some serious questions in public and call him out in public. If she wins during the 2014 election. And that’s a big “if.” 

The beautiful people will no doubt field a candidate and pump a bunch of money into that person’s campaign. They do not want someone like Shepherd on the board. It’s bad enough Mike McMillan doesn’t toe the line. One more? That means it’s worse. Three more after that? Well, we all know what happens then.

District seats 1, 4, 7 and 9 also are up for re-election. School board seats by the way are not term-limited. They also are non-partisan.

1 comment:

  1. It is going to be fascinating to see how they handle a person who actually tries to do her homework. I don't agree with her conclusions on a lot of things, but she's a public school advocate who believes in the power of public education and understands how public education, more than any other social factor, has caused us to have the great society in which we live. THere is the added bonus in that she will scare the shit out of the squares. :)
