Monday, January 27, 2014

BOE campaign kickoffs for this week

A couple of campaign kickoffs to mention:

Sally Absher, who is running for the 4th District School Board seat, will hold her first campaign shindig from 5 to 7 tonight at Calhoun’s on Bearden Hill. Her slogan, according to her flyer, is “a voice for students, teachers, parents, and taxpayers.” She notes that contributions are appreciated.

Absher is expected to face incumbent Lynne Fugate and Jeffrey “Scott” Clark” in the election. In addition, Laurel Alford has picked up a nominating petition to run, but hasn’t turned it in.

Terry Hill, who is running for the 6th District School Board seat, will host her first shindig on Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Barrington Subdivision Clubhouse on 5716 Bridgehampton Drive.

Her campaign email to me this morning noted that she’s been campaigning for several months, meeting with parents, teachers, principals and business leaders.

Hill said she is running “to bring real ideas and real solutions to the challenges facing public education in Knox County.”

“Together we can make sure our children receive the education they deserve while providing the taxpayers the return on investment they deserve,” she added.

Hill is expected to face Bradley Buchanan and Tamara Shepherd in the elections. In addition, Ronald Hennen and Sandra Rowcliffe have picked up nominating petitions to run for the seat, but haven’t turned ‘em in.

The county primaries are set for May, and the top two vote getters in school board races will move on to the August elections. The school board races are non-partisan.

As always, send me your campaign stuff and I’ll post it, so long as you return my calls if you win. Heh.

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