Monday, July 6, 2015

Covington to hold campaign kickoff tomorrow for 1st Dist. Commish seat

Received this from the Michael Covington campaign. He is running for Commissioner Sam McKenzie's 1st District seat on the Knox County Commission. Sam, one of only two Democrats on the board, has opted not to seek re-election.

Covington's campaign handler told me he has "strong conservative values" and is running as a Republican.
We welcome all of Knox County to attend the campaign kickoff for Michael Covington who will be running for County Commission District 1. 

The event will take place on July 7, 2015 at Calhoun’s on the River. The event will run from 5-8 p.m. This will be a free event, however, donations will be accepted. 

Citizens are encouraged to bring friends and family to meet a true leader who believes rebuilding district one. There has not been a true conservative serving district one as a county commissioner in many years. It is time to bring in a Real Leader in Real Time! 

Supporters who are unable to attend but would still like to support can send donations to PO Box 6312, Knoxville, Tennessee 37914.
As always, send me your political stuff for publication. Please note it's subject to editing and if you're a jerk, I just won't run it. Heh.

Have a good day.

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