Monday, March 21, 2016

Broyles to leave Audit Committee

Amy Broyles
The Knox County Audit Committee on Monday voted to replace member Amy Broyles, who has missed a number of meetings because of health-related matters.

Broyles, who is also a county commissioner in her final months of her current term, told WBIR 10News by phone that she had planned to step down from the committee.

She said upcoming surgery would force her to miss more meetings.

“Everything has been going really well on the audit committee and there hasn’t been much going on, so I wasn’t too concerned,” said Broyles, who was not at Monday's Audit Committee meeting. “Plus, we have really good people on the committee.”

The board, in a 4-0 vote, agreed to replace her. Member said they were having trouble getting a quorum during their bi-monthly meetings.

The panel, which makes recommendations to the Knox County Commission, is comprised of three commissioners and two county residents.

Broyles, whose term on the commission ends at the end of August, did not seek re-election.

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