Monday, June 6, 2016

Last push to get weed vote on ballot

So, a couple months ago, the Knox County Election Commission agreed to give residents a chance to vote on whether to legalize recreational and medical marijuana.

The vote, though, would be symbolic only since marijuana is still illegal in Tennessee.

That meant Steve Cooper, who is spearheading the initiative, has until June 15 to get about 16,100 signatures from registered Knox County voters to put the two questions on the November ballot.

One question will ask whether recreational use of marijuana by people older than 21 should be allowed in Knox County.

(He's actually shooting for 20,000 signatures on each petition to be on the safe side, cause some folks who sign might not actually be registered. Or whatever.)

So, here's an update from Cooper:
As I enter my last full week I am at 14,650 on the medical petition and 14,400 on the legal petition.

We were having a great weekend until the rain hit Saturday.

I will be pushing very hard this next and will see this through all the way up to the June 15th deadline.

We are doing signature drives at Back Door Tavern on Kingston Pike Tuesday June 7th and Friday June 10th from 3 to 7

We will be a Vapor Trails on Chapman Highway Wednesday June 8th from 3 to 7.

And our final setup will be at Off The Wall on Kingston Pike Saturday June 11th from 12 to 5.

Come on out and sign the petitions!!! Time is running out for us to make history together!

You can still print, sign and drop off you petitions at our signatures drives or mail them to the address on the petition page.
Your signature counts so get out and sign before it is too late!
For the record, I have not signed it. Heh.

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