Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Register of Deeds candidate Wiser writes letter to 'Mayor Tim.' Heh

So, uh, er, heh. Donald Wiser, who is running as an independent for the Knox County Register of Deeds seat, sent out an email today to a bunch of local leaders, the county mayor, the media and your mama. (Kidding on that last part.) Anyhoo, like I've always said: Send me your election stuff and I'll post it.
Wiser will face Sherry Witt, a Republican and the current Register of Deeds, in the August election.

You know, sometimes I comment on these things and even call people out when they make mistake or they're completely inaccurate. But, I'm just going to let this sucker speak for itself. Unedited.

The email subject line was "Open Communication to Mayor Tim." 


Honorable Mayor Burchett:

I have documentation from the Election Commission that Ms. Witt and Mr Jones have been elected to their office in two consistent elections. Now they have taken out petitions for a third term, solicited signatures of Knox County voters ,and had their name in nomination in violation of the Charter of Knox County and the will of the citizens. Term limits have been under attack by the Tim Hutchinson/Scott Moore group since its enactment with this gang armed with an  A.G. opinion term limits didn't apply to them. Then came BLACK WEDNESDAY!
Jones has had a hard time with the truth as we've discussed at best' or might be his disdain for the will of Knox Countians: he has decided his first term did not count[ Jones needs to read the Campbell Co. bondman's Courts  statement of law about A.G. or Law Director opinions] The only ones to benefit from this cavalier decision is Jones himself, and his close friend, the current Register of Deeds. Jones as you should recall tasted one of K.C.S.O.s' Finest [also a State Representative] with sneaking into a Bill an amendment removing the Sheriff and close associate Resister of Deeds from term limits. If you remember, we talked, and you took the right action: you kill the bill in the Senate which made us proud[also income tax] that you believe in the will of the people as C.B. taught you.
Tim, you ran on a platform of being a Stewart of the taxpayers money, transparency and increase  accountability. Now is the time for you to purge the deadwood in your office and clean up your own backyard. Thank you for the school in Carter and any help to stop busing of school kids but while you have been kissing babies and cutting ribbons the foxes have been robbing the chicken coop. We the people have a right to know the involvement of office holders under your  purview;

1.Involvement with Buumgartner by A.G. and Sheriff:
  a. Join with News-Sentinel  and the parents to investigate and have the T.B.I. Report made public.
  b. Answer, Who, What, When, and How. To paraphrase Fred Thompson during Watergate, What did [they] know and when did they know it. The source of Richards drugs needs to be known [history has shown a police agency is a great source. No Chain of Command in the drug section answering directly to Jones]..
2.The Police pension that Jones along with a Register of Deeds aid conspired to award this benefit to many undeserving ex-sheriff,lawyers,at least five ex commissionaires many voting for Jones and Witt on BLACK WEDENDAY, and who knows who else. Remember Herb told you so.
3.You have knowledge about the abuse of vehicles in the Sheriffs Department even talking about the black Mustang that uses 7$ a gallon gas[after denying now test driving].

4.Why is  Knox. Co. allowing a Office Holder that didn't pay his child support, pays no property tax, after a golf trip over seas [ who paid for this] along with A.G.,Mental Health official, and a D.U.I. Lawyer who's kin works the same try to sell a concept for a non-feasible program at $17,000,000 and a building. Who is it for the intoxicated, the drug addicted, or mental ill and who will decide. Maybe this person can receive bonus as large as the tourist bureau or maybe a job after retirement.

5.The Police is to protect our children but this sheriff must have a problem . We know he was a dead beat Dad according to past reports of the Knoxville News-Sentinel now one of his Officers is charged with sex crimes involving a 13 year old  which  brings to mind a K.C.S.O. Officer  assigned to be one of the very few to  patrol in our neighbors that was fired for sex and authority crimes with a child while working an undercover assignment in our schools by the previous sheriff but rehired by Jones. This individuals daddy  working there is alleged to be doing chores for Jones[ laundry, grocery shopping but not the quart of vodka]. The fired Officer was placed on diversion by the same A.G. that took the trip overseas with Jones.

Tim I know my great friend C.B. Placed in your heart to do right so make him proud.                       

Donald M. Wiser

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